Thursday, May 29, 2014

Comfort Zone

I’m leaving this afternoon to go to a graduation in Bristol, RI.  This overnight trip has me wondering why I resist leaving home.  The first reason that has come to me is Michael.  I am so lost without him.  He was my compass on earth.  I am lost when outside of my known area.  I didn’t realize how much I needed him in this area, until it was too late.  He was so patient as I struggled to find my way. I also do not have a strong desire to “see other places.”  I feel like an intruder as a tourist.  I read about the areas of the world that are interesting to me and that takes care of my curiosity.  I would much rather explore the recesses of my mind.  And I can do that from the comfort of my own living room.  But then I wonder if those reasons are rationalizations for not moving out of my comfort zone.  Do I expand my horizons by seeing other geographical areas with my own eyes?  Can I experience it more fully as I stand in front of the Great Pyramids or the Grand Canyon? Certainly so, however, is it worth the first hand experience in light of my other convictions?